Military personnel are trained to follow an ethical code that guides their decision-making processes during a survival situation. While some of these principles are not applicable or practical for us civilians, we can take a lot away from learning and remembering their essential meaning. Let’s look at how incorporating the essence of this code of ethics can help us to become better leaders, team players and survivors if we are ever faced with a life or death crisis.
Be Prepared to Give Your Life
Jesus said that the greatest way to demonstrate love is to give our lives in order to save a friend. You may encounter a situation when you may actually have to decide to lay down your own life in order to save another. Will you be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save your family? Friends? Strangers? Think of this principle in a context that is less extreme. Would you be willing to alter your plans, share resources, offer services or lend a hand to help someone? Will you sacrifice what you have in order to meet the needs of someone else?
This is not an easy question to answer, and there are no right or wrong answers either. Soldiers are sworn and taught to make the ultimate sacrifice if that is what it takes to save their fellow troops or other innocents. However, we are not bound by this code., but becoming more selfless helps us to become better people and better leaders.
Don’t Give Up
Soldiers are taught never to surrender themselves or those under their command if they still have a fighting chance at achieving victory. The essence of this principle is that we don’t sell out, we don’t give in and we don’t quit unless there are absolutely no other alternatives. This means different things in different contexts, but this is an important attribute that we need to develop and perfect. Unfortunately, our resolve to be committed is generally tested through difficult challenges and experiences. Be prepared for this and make a commitment to see things through.
Get Free or Remain Silent
When soldiers are captured, they are trained to always look for a means to escape. If they can’t escape, they are taught to resist by whatever means necessary. They are also expected to turn down special deals, favors and enticements in exchange for giving up information or acquiescing to the demands of their captors.
You can use your own imagination and conjure up all kinds of images of torture, deprivation, manipulation or other methods of extracting information from a prisoner. While chances are slim that you will face such a situation, it’s important to really think about how much you can take in order to keep a secret or protect others. It’s also important to always make a priority to take advantage of every possible opportunity to get out of a situation and moving towards safety.
Remember Who You Are
The last important ethical principle that we can borrow from the military is that we always have a mission, role and purpose. It is up to us to do the best we can with what we have in order to work through a survival situation. It is up to us to use our skills to establish security, shelter, and access to food and water. It is up to us to think things through and avoid making decisions based on emotions alone. It is up to us to always remember that we are survivors and never lose sight of the end goal no matter how difficult things get.
I will always remember some advice a former soldier told me when I was going through a very difficult and life-changing time. He said that attitude is everything. It was so simple that I was kind of disappointed until I really started to think about what he was saying. Our attitude determines our success or failure. It governs our sense of optimism or desperation. It propels us to move forward no matter how difficult things may be, or it can cause us to freeze up or cower in fear.
These principles outline the traits that make up a good soldier and leader. These can also help us to become better equipped, trained and prepared to face the uncertainty that any one of a million disasters can present, and they are worth taking to heart.