How to Build a Stove Water Distiller
All that you need for this project is a water kettle, some duct tape, flexible
stainless steel conduit or piping and a container for the water. You will also
need a source of heat to boil the water in the kettle. The best kind of kettle is
one that has a plastic cap on the spout as well as a lid on top/ Cut a hole that
will accommodate the diameter of the pipe in order to create a snug fit. Secure
the connection with a generous amount of duct tape, but make sure that you
don’t tape the lid shut so that you can add water as necessary. You also want
to secure the pipe to the receiving container as well. You can use any container
that you like, from an empty soda bottle to a mason jar. Plastic jars with small
tops will enable you to attach the pipe securely and create a virtually air-tight
connection. However, you can simply dangle the end of the pipe into a container
and wait for the water to drip as well. All you need to do now is to fill the kettle
with water, light the burner on the stove and let nature do its work. As the water
begins to heat and condense, the steam will flow through the pipe connection and
into the receiving container. Keep adding water to the kettle as necessary until
the container is full. You can drink the water right away, or it can be stored for
future use as well. There are a number of modifications that you can design in
order to accommodate a variety of different conditions. For example, you can put
foil on a large cooking kettle or pot and place it on a fire or rocket stove. Simply
affix the hose and tape to where the foil meets a side of the pan. As long as you
can get steam from your cooking pot into the hose, then you will get distilled water
droplets that fill your receptacle. Obviously, you will get more water if you are using
a larger pot, however, you can keep filling a simple kettle with water as well. The
important thing is that this method will boil and purify almost any type of contaminated
water without the need to build or purchase filtration systems. Distillation also doesn’t
impact the taste or odor of water like many purification tablets as well. Try this method
out for yourself, and see how effective it is with turning stream, lake, salt and even
rainwater into a fresh and safe supply to have on hand during an emergency.