How Many Survival Kits do You Need?
When we think of survival kits, we tend to focus on having a bug out bag or a limited amount of supplies on hand for sheltering in place. However, chances are that these are not enough to meet your real needs. Let’s take a look at some things to consider in order to ensure that you have access to everything you need if and when disaster strikes.
Where You Are
You should have a basic survival kit that follows you where ever you are. This means having one at home, one in the form of a bug out bag, one at your workplace and one for your vehicle. Each one will be slightly different. For example, your vehicle survival kit should include basic tools and equipment that is relevant for being stranded on the road. Your home kit will be less-portable whereas your bug out bag should contain everything that you need to survive for a couple of days.
Most recommendations from credible sources suggest that you should have a 24 hour survival kit for the workplace, school or in your get-home bag. Bug out bags should be stocked with 72 hours of supplies whereas your home survival kit should last up to a week if necessary. The car kit will vary depending on the time of year, where you do most of your traveling and other factors that are unique to your area and movements.
The idea is to always be protected, and unfortunately, many people only prepare for sheltering in place or bugging out from the home. Remember that disaster can strike at any time, and there’s a good chance that you may be at work, in school or on the road when it happens. Make sure that you have what you need on hand to get through the immediate situation as well as the short-term aftermath.
Where You Will be Going
It’s important to consider where you will end up going if you have to evacuate. Most of us have a few different plans in place so we can adapt as the situation warrants. However, if the destination is going to serve as a temporary shelter, you will need to make sure that you have supplies stocked up there as well. Make sure you think through how long you may be staying and what resources you will need until the dust settles. You should also think one step further and consider what your next move may be as well. Plan accordingly whenever possible.
How Many People Are There?
This is a big question that many people forget to ask. This goes back to our focus on having a bug out bag or survival kit at home to supply the needs of our family. However, if you and your spouse both work, then you should have two work survival kits or get-home bags. If your kids are in school, they should each have one that they can stuff in their locker as well. While many schools and employers have some sort of disaster contingency plan in place, there is no guarantee that food, water and other basic essentials will be available for everyone. It’s better to ensure that each member of your family has their bases covered for where they may be when disaster strikes.
Consider where you and your family members are, where they will be and where you all will be going. It’s really easy to lose sight of the big picture and underestimate what you really need. Take stock of your real level of preparedness and beef up supplies and resources as necessary.